Tricker's Factory Shop
Northampton Factory SHOP
If you love discovering rare styles and past-season gems, our Tricker’s Factory Shop is a hidden treasure. It’s your chance to own handcrafted footwear, made right here in Northampton, at exclusive factory prices. Each pair is proudly made in England, with the heritage and quality Tricker’s is known for.
Open Monday–Friday 10:00–16:00.
If you arrive and the door is locked, please call 01604 630595.
Also, available by advance appointment by emailing
Post code for car park NN1 4AQ
Turn into Kettering Gardens, turn left and follow the road straight to the end car park, This is a free car park and the factory shop is the brown wooden door in the right hand with the sign that says “visitors”.
Whilst the footwear stocked in our Northampton Factory Shop will differ from the footwear shown on our website, you can still choose from hundreds of pairs across all our Men’s and Women’s styles.