About The Tricker's Factory Store
Tricker's Factory Shop Online
One of the longest established shoemakers in England, R. E. Tricker Limited was founded in 1829 by Joseph Tricker. A reputation for outstanding manufacturing quality and durability has established Tricker’s as the maker of choice for country boots and shoes.
Trickers Factory Shop offers past season and sample pairs of Tricker's shoes at attractive, discounted prices. A wide range of products are on offer over the year, including both classic and seasonal styles all of which will be available until they are sold out.
Be quick, many of the styles you will see on this site are extremely limited in both colour and size and are guaranteed to sell out quickly.
When you buy from The Factory Store the same exacting standards in craftsmanship, unrivalled attention to detail and the use of only the highest quality materials are used to manufacture our shoes, this has resulted in the unique reputation that Tricker’s enjoys today.
Our Tricker's Factory Shop is updated daily and offers the best opportunity for you to find your favourite styles from previous season’s collections, as well as samples and seconds. Please visit the site regularly to see what has been added!
Trickers Factory Shop In Northampton
For those excited by seeking out those rare styles and old seasons best prices, the Tricker's Factory Shop in Northampton is for you. We are delighted to offer this chance for you to buy at the best price available direct from our own factory in Northampton, England.
Whilst the footwear stocked in our Northampton Factory Shop will differ from the footwear shown on our website, you can still choose from a wide range of pairs across all our Men’s and Women’s styles.
Normal opening hours for the Tricker's Factory Shop are Monday to Friday 10:00 - 16:00. If you arrive and the door is locked, please call 01604 630595 and our team will be with you.
You can also email customerservices@trickers.com to book an appointment ahead of time to avoid disappointment.
The entrace to the Tricker's Factory Shop is behind our factory, as such please don't use Tricker's as your search in Google Maps, as it will take you to the front of our factory.
The nearest Postcode for the Tricker's car park is NN1 4AQ - Google Maps Directions to Chapel Place can be found here.
Turn into Kettering Gardens, turn left and follow the road straight to the end car park, This is a free car park and the Factory Shop is the brown wooden door in the right hand with the sign that says “Visitors”.